
Buy a business. There are millions of businesses for sale. Start with a successful product, customers and profit.

In January 2020 I decided to document the process of me finding, evaluating and buying a business. This site has everything I’m learning and thinking throughout this process.

Course need more help than below?

If you are interested in learning more about buying a business, need some more help, interested in going down this path but are stuck….happy to help.

If you are interested in learning more about buying a business, need some more help, interested in going down this path but are stuck….happy to help.


There are some affiliate links below and I may receive commissions for purchases made through links in this post, but these are all products I highly recommend. I won’t put anything on this page that I haven’t verified and/or personally used.

These links help me launch the podcast, editing and recording and are equivalent to buying me a cheap protein bar.

Buying / Selling Marketplaces

Buying / Selling Marketplaces

Buying / Selling Marketplaces

Buying / Selling Marketplaces

Buying / Selling Marketplaces

(Marketplace Aggregator) – They also have a service that will evaluate a business before buying it. Use them after under LOI.

Buying / Selling Marketplaces

Buying / Selling Marketplaces


by Walker Deibel

Idea Generation

A paid, weekly newsletter that showcases industries, ideas, trends that are all new and emerging.

Idea Generation

Free, daily newsletter. Stay Up-To-Date on everything from technology to markets to interesting business models. I’ve read this newsletter daily since early 2016.

Online Tools, Tricks and Cards

3x points on all digital spend + a huge sign up bonus (yeah I’ve gone to Hawaii 2x and FL for mostly free in the past 3 years with this card)

Online Tools, Tricks and Cards

2x on all spend + a huge sign up bonus (applies to anything travel on any airline/hotel, etc.)

Online Tools, Tricks and Cards

Download this Chrome extension. It will tell you all the tools being used on a particular website.

Online Tools, Tricks and Cards

All things links, keywords, site rankings.

Online Tools, Tricks and Cards

Great resource for checking page views and visitors to a site. This will give you a general overview of traffic. Downside is this only works for larger sites with enough traffic.

Online Tools, Tricks and Cards

Paid service to evaluate online businesses

Online Tools, Tricks and Cards

Online Tools, Tricks and Cards

Out Sourcing

Out Sourcing

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