About Us

Hey! I’m Ryan Condie

I have an amazing wife of 10 years, two awesome boys and another baby on the way.

When I’m not working I’m wrestling with my boys, flying drones, trail running or planning some crazy vacation.

I spent 8 years in software sales at billion dollar unicorns, started a candy factory from scratch which got to 700+ retail customers in the
first 12 months, bought and sold 2 businesses and built/sold KestrelOutdoors.com.

I love building and growing businesses. Business should be fun. It should uplift everyone involved including employees, customers and suppliers.

So after starting 8 ‘projects’ (if I call them projects rather than businesses, it stings less;), I decided buying a was a better path.

2 succeeded. 6 failed. I’ve bought 2 companies and both succeeded. I love entrepreneurship and am taking the acquisition route to avoid early pitfalls in starting from scratch.

Follow along my journey to buy a company in 2020. Should be fun. Should stretch me and push my comfort level. Should push me to higher levels of learning, growing and personal belief. 

My Focus: Acquiring, growing, and holding internet companies ($200k to $1 million in EBITDA). 

If you are interested in learning more about buying a business, need some more help, interested in going down this path but are stuck….happy to help.

We’ll see if we’re a fit. 1 on 1 coaching. Help on Deal Evaluation and Structure. Intro’s to my top marketers, lawyers, etc.

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